Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hi Grandma Here Are Picutres From Our Weekend at the Cabin

My Mom and Dad took me to our cabin for the weekend. This is a picture of Mom and Dad.

Grandma and Grandpa Landmann came to visit us there. Dad hunted, Grandpa fished, Mom and Grandma visited and Mom rode the ATVs. I had the best time though...I got held and played with my everyone. Sometimes they were waiting in line to hold me and make me smile. It was a fun time.

They all call me by different names at different times. Like this time they were calling me "Princess", I guess cause I looked like a fairy tale princess.

Sometimes they call me "Pretty Girl"

and other times they call me "Piglet"......

but only my Mom and Dad call me that and I think it is a term of endearment....hmmmm?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One Year Portrait

My Mom and Dad took me to a photographer for a one year portrait.
It was fun and I got to hold all kinds of neat toys. Smiling is easy for me.....I do it all the time.