Friday, September 23, 2005

Excitement! Another Visit From Henry Thomas

Tom, Emily and baby Henry are coming tonight for a visit. I'm planning a nice dinner and look forward to the time when I can share little bits of dinner with Henry. OK, I guess that is quite a few months away. They make babies wait much longer these days before they let Grandma give the little one treats of one kind or another. Maybe by Christmas?

A month old and still growing those dimples. What a couple sweethearts. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Me and Grandma Ethel

Grandma Ethel came to visit with me when I was only two days old. I hope she visits me again soon. I love to be held and Grandmas sure know how to hold babies. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 12, 2005

Lots of Excitement and Good Things

Friday Tom, Emily and Henry came to visit Grandma's house. They knew that Paul was coming from Minnesota to give Me a wonderful present so they came to help and to visit. Very new for Paul to be an Uncle but he loves babies and enjoyed holding Henry. Had a great visit and was terrific to have my kids home and together. Saturday, Jon and Patty came to help Paul and to visit, so it was a pretty terrific weekend.

Henry continues to grow and I see changes each time I see him. He is a hungry little fellow but will need to keep eating to fill out his large feet and hands. He is so cute and a good baby. Keep up the great work parents.

My trip to Grandma's made me so sleepy. She holds me so nice so I can sleep. Posted by Picasa

Hello Little Man, I'm Uncle Paul.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 09, 2005

Two weeks old and checking out his new world. Posted by Picasa

A Visit From Great-Grandma Harriet

If you ask, who can resist a baby, the answer is almost no one but it is more true with Grandparents. Gazing at the sweet baby brings memories of our own children in small ways that might have been forgotten in our busy day. I remember being astounded by the perfect eyelashes and fingernails. Babies smell so sweet and make such wonderful noises. Wrinkled brow followed by utter calm and contentment. Henry Thomas has been blessed with his Mother's dimples, thank you very much Emily, and I look forward to seeing them each time I visit.

I really can't speak for Great Grandma Harriet but I'm sure she felt the wonder of this child and the happiness he has brought. This is not Harriet's first great grand child but each baby is a new beginning of life and promise. I'm feeling this thrill for the first time and I can't imagine it could get any sweeter.

How appropriate on the Grandma Blog - Henry's Great Grandma Harriet. Isn't he one of the best you've ever held? Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 05, 2005

Back Home

I've just returned from five days Up North so have nothing new to report on my grandson. I did call from our camp site when I couldn't stand it anymore to see if we had a first tooth, a first step or anything like the baby saying "Grandma".

Tom reassured me that the new family have settled in really well and all are doing fine. Henry Thomas has begun to "coo" and Tom and Emily being new parents do not know that that is baby talk for "where's Grandma"!

I look forward to seeing the new Mom, Dad and of course Henry but don't think that will happen until late this week. I'll be checking in often to see if I can help the new parents interpret any other baby babblings.

Until then or another news worthy event.