Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Birthday Visit

Last night we went to Grandma and Grandpa's Landmann's house for dinner to celebrate Grandpa's birthday and my Mom's birthday. They are two days apart so we usually celebrate them together.

I had some real mashed potaotes and carrots and got to taste some homemade apple pie. Ummm! Good Stuff.

Jon and Patty were there too and after dinner I got to play and everyone was so nice and smiley.

Don't You Just Love Birthdays

Grandpa Landmann is having a birthday and me and Mom decided to send him a photo birthday card. I got to be the model and Mom got to be the photographer. It was fun. Check out these great shots Mom got.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Some New Things About Me

My Mom sent Grandma some new pictures of me because I just keep finding new things to do. I've been crawling, first backward and now speed. My knees are getting real pink from the carpet. I have teeth coming in and am enjoying all kinds of new things to eat.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Another Milestone in Life

For awhile now, I have been hinting, reaching out and actually trying to grab the spoon to let my Mom know that I want to help out with this eating thing. If I help, I get to choose what I eat and sometimes I may get it faster.

Well yesterday my Mom let me try to master the "Cheerios Grab". I got some in my mouth. Not is this picture but I did, really! I know this is the beginning of some good times with Mom and Dad. Eating is social and I'm a pretty social guy.

Also went to the doctor today and he said, "He's a healthy and happy baby". Weighed in at sixteen pounds four ounces and I've grown 6 inches. Let's see, in baby math thats about an inch a month. I wanna be tall like my Dad. Bring on the Cheerios and let me get to eating and crawling.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Uncle Jon and Me Having Fun

Well, after our outing to lunch with Grandma's friends, my cold got a little worse but now I've gotten over it.

Jon and Patty stopped to visit our house on Sunday afternoon so I got to play with them. They are fun.

Jon held me for a long time. Patty brought me a really awesome camo fleece top.

It was great to see more family. Grandma and Grandpa on Friday and Patty and Jon on Sunday.

I'm one lucky guy....well I suppose they came to see my Mom and Dad too.