Sunday, August 27, 2006

From Henry Thomas - Guess Who Just Turned "One"

Yesterday after my nap, my Mom took me to the park and guess what....there was a birthday party for me there.

Friends and family all came to help me celebrate my first birthday. I'm a big boy now.....boy we had fun!!! Here are a couple pictures of my special day.

Grandpa gave me a really cool tricycle. I tried really hard to reach the peddles but my legs need to grow just a little bit more. I wanted to make it go go go!! Vrrrroommm!

We got to drink "root beer". It came in a big red tub...not sure how it works, but it was good. My Mom wouldn't let me have much. I had a great time opening birthday gifts. I'm a lucky boy to have so many friends and family.

Komments from Kori

Hello Grandma......Sending you some pictures so you can see how I'm growing. In this picture I'm smiling because my Mother and I are happy that I'm sleeping more and crying less.

See how cute my Mom dresses me?

In this picture I'm smiling because I "Know" how much my Daddy loves me.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Saturday, July 29th Visit - Aunt Patty and Uncle Jon

One day Uncle Jon and Aunt Patty came for a visit.

Uncle Jon and my Dad were doing something in the garage so
I got to play with Aunt Patty.

I showed her how smart I am
with my shapes box. I love it when family come
to visit with me and Mom and Dad.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Henry Thomas Tells Us About Sweet Gramdma's Visit

Today Grandma Landmann came for a visit. I woke up from my morning nap and there she was. I'm glad I was rested because we got to play and eat lunch and it was so much fun. She liked to play with my toes. She called me her "Pretty Boy" and " Handsome Little Man"...I hope those are good things. She brought me
Toddler cheese crackers, just my size.

After lunch we played and I showed Grandma how I can walk just about anywhere there isn't some barrier my Mom sets up to slow me down. I took her out to meet the puppies and I helped my Mom and Dad show
Grandma our new landscaping.
She took a "few" pictures.....
she always does....
We will share some with you today.

Grandma brought me a couple new
books. Me and Mom couldn't wait
to read them. I like the counting
book the best. The other book
was supposed to make
me want to go to sleep..(smile)