Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Uncle Jon Tills Up Our Garden

Uncle Jon brought his new tiller on his big tractor to till us up a garden.
Mom and Dad and me are going to grow a bunch of yummy veggies.
Uncle Jon and me doing one of my puzzles. He is one fun uncle.

My friend Bucky needed a bath and a drink.

He was very good to let me water him

So I thought I'd take him for a ride in my car.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Birthday Celebrations Again

Today everyone came to my house to celebrate
Grandpa Henry and my Mom's birthdays. It was a nice day so we played out on the deck.
Aunt Patty took a ride on my airplane. I helped her go real fast.

I got to show Uncle Jon my lawn mover. I knew he would like it cause its a John Deere too.
Grandpa watched Uncle Jon and I play in my sand box.