Friday, November 17, 2006

Grandma's Visit

Hello's me Kori Jean...I'd like to tell you about my Grandma's visit. My Mom had to go to Colorado to take care of her Grandma, so my Grandma came for a visit to take care of me and my Dad.

Here I am taking a nap so Grandma could take one too......I think she needed one..... but pretty soon..... I was awake again and..... ready to play.

The next really fun thing we did was take a tubby. My Dad usually bathes me so he showed Grandma the way we do it.....the way I like it.... so Grandma got to bathe me. We had a splashing good time!
After I was dressed again it was time for a bottle and more play time. I can't decide what I like the best. Food, bath or play. I have a pretty good life. Plenty of hugs and kisses too.

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